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Russell's Youth Internship Program (RYIP)
The unemployment of fresh university graduates is a great and growing challenge in Pakistan.
There is a great need to support educated young people to get decent relevant jobs or establish their own businesses. Students struggle to find jobs with the education they receive from universities and need to have the learning opportunities and practical skill set required to acquire relevant jobs and perform efficiently onwards. In Pakistan although young people pursuing more and more formal education, upon graduation they often find that they are not adequately prepared for the world of work. Because skills relevant to key growth sectors of the modern economy – both technical and “soft” skills – are often not covered in traditional education systems, employers often find a “skills mismatch” between the competencies youth need to succeed in the workplace and those they actually possess. This is a critical challenge for today’s youth, and one key approach to overcoming this challenge is through the provision of life skills training.

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Russell’s International Internship program
At Russell’s we believe that internships are an extension or a complement to classroom training that aims provide opportunities and to expose young trainees to the world of work and provide hands-on professional practical experience.
This is often the first and most important job placement strategy for organizations working for youth empowerment. Internships provide youth an opportunity to apply their knowledge and to skills (both hard and soft) in an actual working environment and to adapt to new situations that may come up in a workplace.
As in small cities like GOJRA there is a large number of fresh graduates but very minimal chances of employment in the market. We also motivate and encourage fresh graduates (males and females) to go for small business rather than chasing the job market. Russell’s International will help in gaining the access to financial resources for the entrepreneurial activities.
Russell’s aims to provide below mentioned benefits to highly educated youth through its internship program to:
- Gain valuable career-related experience in a real working environment.
- Increase confidence in newly acquired skills and abilities.
- Evaluate and try out a relevant career path.
- Expand knowledge of career options in specific industries.
- Cultivate important professional contacts for future employment.
- Build and strengthen CVs.
Russell’s internship program is designed to address the hurdles youth are facing to become more employable and meet the requirements of the professional life. Ultimate outcomes of the youth internship program are below:
- Improve economic outcomes for youth.
- Improve education outcomes for youth.
- Increase employer satisfaction with new hires.
- Change personal behavior and social attitudes of youth.
- Enhancing Life Skills
Russell’s Internship program is striving to improve the performance of graduates through capacitating them in key practical and professional skills needed to be a successful professional. In this regard, internships will target to enhance the below life skills of graduates.
- Ability to learn on their own
- Self-confidence
- Ability to relate to/communicate with others
- Ability to work in groups
- Ability to manage conflict
- Ability to organize themselves and use time efficiently
- Ability to think creatively
- Ability to assess personal strengths and weaknesses
- Ability to lead a team
- Ability to be responsible and follow through on commitments
Value Addition to Russell’s International
- Evaluate youth for potential full-time employment
- Gain access to quality candidates
- Save time and reduce the cost of selection and hiring
- Increase capacity and productivity on short-term assignments
- Capture new energy and bring innovative ideas to the workplace
- Increase cost-effectiveness
We offer two types of internships:
1. Paid Internship After completion of degree
2. Unpaid Internships (Students).
- Both types of interns have no ‘employment’ relationship with Russell’s but paid interns are paid a monthly stipend to help to meet their basic needs.
- Interns are usually associated with Russell’s for a period of Minimum one month, extendable up to six months on the recommendation of the supervisor. Justification for such extension shall be given by the supervisor.
- Unit heads may process their requirements through HR for employing interns to facilitate their work.
- All internships may preferably be advertised on Russell’s official website.
- Executive Director shell approve the internship on the recommendation of the supervisor (Research Fellow/Project Head/Unit Heads), who shell be required to justify the award of internship defining the benefits to the Institute and the intern.
- Before hiring an intern working for another staff member, the evaluation of the previous supervisor should be taken into consideration. In case of a negative report, the intern shell be allowed to state his/her case in writing and shell be given access to the negative report. During the summer vacations of academic institutions, Russell’s may organize summer internship program for training of college/university students in soft/computer skills. This shell be advertised through letters to respective academic institutions and/or through Russell’s official website.
- Selection of intern shell be made by a committee to be constituted by the HR Unit. The HR Unit shell liaise with supervisors for their needs.
- The applicants shall not be less than 18 (eighteen) years.
- There shall be no discrimination on grounds of race, ethnic origin, gender, religion or nationality.
- On successful completion of intern’s assignment and deliverables and on receiving supervisors’ report, the HR shall give certificate of internship to the intern.
Candidates interested in internship at Russell’s may apply by
- Dropping profile by hand or by courier to Russell’s office.
- Directly Email to admin@russellsinternational.com
- Via partner institutions
- By sign in-up on Russell’s website and create profile for database (if this option is available on our website)
- Or by any other media as described/mentioned by Russell’s.
All interns shall be required to:
- Attend mandatory trainings, webinars, conferences, sessions& seminars as mentioned in internship contract/TORs or as advised by reporting manager.
- Submit daily/weekly, monthly and internship end report (if/when required)
- Complete her/his working hours and assignments
- Sign contract and submit joining report duly signed by supervisor
- Obtain clearance on the required forms if leaving Russell’s.
The Interns shall be eligible for:
- Monthly stipend (In case of prior approved paid internship).
- If the intern is to travel to the field areas, she/he shall be eligible to receive per diem as per Russell’s existing per diem/travel policy.
- Two days’ leave in a month – any additional leave availed shall be considered as unpaid leave(s) and any un-availed leave shall not 0be carried over to next month.
- Attending internal meetings, workshops, trainings, webinars, conferences, sessions, seminars etc. as approved/directed by supervisor.
- Internship certificate on successful completion of internship.
The Interns shall NOT be eligible:
- To obtain Russell’s official identity cards
- For stipend increments
- For obtaining operational/personal advance
- To claim over time or compensatory leave if working on weekend(s) or on public holidays
- To initiate requisitions for purchases, issue of office supplies, repairing work etc.
- To respond independently to any official mail/call on behalf of Russell’s.
The Interns may be authorized (preferably in writing) by the supervisors to:
- Perform any program activity independently on behalf of Russell’s International.
- Have access to any relevant record
- Represent Russell’s at any forum
- Make official telephone calls.
Status: Open
We are hiring for several positions, including Teaching Faculty, Digital Marketing with SEO, Graphic Designing, and Full Stack Web Development. The qualifications required include a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in IT and at least one year of working experience. The organization offers a congenial environment, flexible schedule, and competitive salary. Please visit our Office for further information